Human needs
Understanding emotional experiences
Nonverbal behavior and expression of emotion
Emotions – Feelings that generally have both physiological and cognitive elements and that influence behavior.
How does motivation direct and energize behavior?
· Motivation relates to the factors that direct and energize behavior.
· Drive is the motivational tension that energizes behavior to fulfill a need.
· Homeostasis, the maintenance of the steady internal state, often underlies motivational drives.
· Arousal approaches suggest that we try to maintain a particular level of stimulation and activity.
· Incentive approaches focus on the positive aspects of the environment that direct and energize behavior.
· Cognitive approaches focus on the role of thoughts, expectations, and understanding of the world in producing motivation.
· Abraham Maslow's hierarchy suggests that there are five basic needs: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. Only after the more basic needs are fulfilled can a person move toward meeting higher-order needs.
What biological and social factors underlie hunger?
• Eating behavior is subject to homeostasis, as most people's weight stays within a relatively stable range. The hypothalamus in the brain is central to the regulation of food intake.
• Social factors, such as mealtimes, cultural food preferences, and other learned habits, also play a role in the regulation of eating, determining when, what, and how much one eats. An oversensitivity to social cues and an insensitivity to internal cues may also be related to obesity. In addition, obesity may be caused by an unusually high weight set point-the weight the body attempts to maintain-and genetic factors.
How are needs relating to achievement, affiliation, and power motivation exhibited?

• The need for affiliation is a concern with establishing and maintaining relationships with others, whereas the need for power is a tendency to seek to exert an impact on others.
What are emotions, and how do we experience them?
• Emotions are broadly defined as feelings that may affect behavior and generally have both a physiological component and a cognitive component. Debate continues over whether separate systems govern cognitive and emotional responses and whether one has primacy over the other.
What are the functions of emotions?
• Emotions prepare us for action, shape future behavior through learning, and help us interact more effectively with others.
What are the explanations for emotions?
• Several theories explain emotions. The James-Lange theory suggests that emotional experience is a reaction to bodily, or visceral, changes that occur as a response to an environmental event and are interpreted as an emotional response.
• In contrast, the Cannon-Bard theory contends that both physiological arousal and an emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the same nerve stimulus and that the visceral experience does not necessarily differ among differing emotions.
• The Schachter-Singer theory suggests that emotions are determined jointly by a relatively nonspecific physiological arousal and the subsequent labeling of that arousal, using cues from the environment to determine how others are behaving in the same situation.
• The most recent approaches to emotions focus on their biological origins. For instance, it now seems that specific patterns of biological arousal are associated with individual emotions. Furthermore, new scanning techniques have identified the specific parts of the brain that are activated during the experience of particular emotions.
More about expression of emotion:
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